The energy efficiency of crude oil refining in Brazil: A
In the 1930s the energy efficiency of power plants was 17.5%, and energy efficiency in the conversion of heat from industrial furnaces at a high temperature was around 10%. This is the same as processing a barrel of oil and spending about 13% of its energy, or US $0.25 per barrel of COC with a nominal price of oil of US $2.00.
Guide describes research conducted to support ENERGY STAR and its work with the petroleum refining industry. This Guide introduces energy efficiency opportunities available for petroleum refineries, beginning with descriptions of the trends, structure and production of the refining industry and the energy
EU refinery energy systems and efficiency
EU refinery energy systems and efficiencyRefineries generally have a high rate of heat recovery, and only reject low temperature streams such as very low pressure steam or hot condensate for which there is no practical use.oil feed to the refinery, expressed as a percentage.
Brahms ’ goal – to develop energy related projects – is facilitated by its involvement in the fields of Finance and Energy which are key in developing economies. Brahms’ key principles: Flexibility, efficiency, higher quality, reliable refinery operations and environment friendliness.
Refinery energy systems and efficiency - Home - CONCAWE
energy efficiency as measured by the EII® by about 10% over the past 18 years. In 2010, this represented annual average savings of about 60,000 tonnes of oil equivalent (toe) per refinery, compared to the 1992 effi-ciency level, or about 4 million toe/annum for all of the Refinery energy systems and efficiency Volume 21 •Number 1 •Summer
Energy Efficiency Improvement in the Petroleum Refining Industry Ernst Worrell, Ecofysenergy efficient technologies and practices meets the challenge of maintaining the output of high quality product with reduced production costs. This is especially important, as energy efficientEnergy use in a refinery varies over time due to changes
Technical Assessments for Refinery and Petrochemical
the challenge: A major oil refiner faced serious reliability and operating issues with a critical refinery process pump after a drastic change in operating requirements. One of its severe duty ISO 13709/API 610 (BB2) pumps was exhibiting high vibration levels and consuming excessive energy.
processing units. The model is carbon and energy balanced such that crude oil inputs and major refinery sector outputs (fuels) are benchmarked to 2010 data. Estimates of the current penetration for the identified energy efficiency measures benchmark the energy requirements to those reported in U.S. DOE 2010 data.
ITP Petroleum Refining: Energy Efficiency Roadmap
Energy Efficiency Roadmap for Petroleum Refineries in California iii Executive Summary Introduction Petroleum refineries are the largest users of natural gas and electricity in the State of California. In addition to a high level of energy consumption, the industry is a major contributor to the productivity and
) concludes that a petroleum refinery is about 90% efficient, but uses the definition: Petroleum Refinery Energy Efficiency = energy in all petroleum products/(energy in crude input, other feedstock inputs, and process fuels) Efficiency is often a rough gauge of how much energy is wasted.
Statoil Refining Denmark A/S – Energy Oil and Gas
The employees at Statoil Refining Denmark are eager to improve the way of working to increase the competiveness of the refinery.” Statoil Refining Denmark A/S. Services: Crude oil refinery. Issue 125 October 2015
Method makes refineries more efficient — ScienceDaily
Method makes refineries more efficient Date:enable oil refineries to improve the energy efficiency of this step anywhere from 6 percent to 48 percent, said Rakesh Agrawal, the Winthrop E
Productivity Growth in Indian Oil Refineries: Efficiency
productivity used to decompose TFP growth in Indian Oil Refinery industry between 1994-95 and 2008-09, into two components such as efficiency change and technical change. Statement of the Problem Productivity acts as a parameter to measure the efficiency of an industry. Productivity studies
DigitalRefining | Refining, Gas and Petrochemical
Refining, gas and petrochemical processing industry news. INEOS has today announced the next step forwards in the design and build of its state-of-the-art PDH (propane dehydrogenation unit) at the centre of its €3bn
Refinery Operations | » Measuring Energy Efficiency
The EIA provides an example to emphasize this point by noting that if energy in asphalt, road oils and other miscellaneous products are omitted from the refinery energy output calculation, then overall U.S. refinery energy efficiency would decline from 90.1% to 86.4%.
A comparative assessment of resource efficiency
A consequence of this lower share of hydrogen from the SMR results in a higher overall energy efficiency for the High API/High HP refinery group because hydrogen consumption via SMR is relatively inefficient (∼70% efficiency) compared to other refinery units, resulting in significant energy burdens for products of hydrocracking and
ITP Petroleum Refining: Energy Bandwidth for Petroleum
Crude Oil Distillation:potential for energy efficiency gains and maximize the impact of ITP’s research investments. Energy bandwidth analyses provide a realistic estimate of the energy that may be saved in anEnergy Bandwidth for Petroleum Refining Processes 4
Energy Consumption Benchmark Guide Conventional Petroleum
The Solomon EII value indexes the energy efficiency of a plant using a technology explicit computer model that determines the "standard" energy Electricity Purchased 7% Other 3% Total Coke 22% Natural Gas 16% Heavy Fuel Oil Refinery Fuel 8% Gas 44% 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Total Coke Refinery Fuel Gas Heavy Fuel Oil Natural Gas Electricity
Energy Efficiency Improvement and Cost Saving
This guide introduces energy efficiency opportunities available for petroleum refineries. It begins with descriptions of the trends, structure, and production of the refining industry and the energy used in the refining and conversion processes. Specific energy savings for each energy efficiency measure based on case studies of plants and references to technical literature are provided.
MSc Sustainable Energy Engineering – Stellenbosch University
MSc Sustainable Energy Engineering Caitlin Bergh Supervisor: Dr Brett Cohen 29 May 2012 . ithe slow rate of return of energy efficiency investments compared to other investments and high specific installation costs. Secondly, uncertainty barriers were inhibiting the uptake of energy6 REVIEW OF REFINERY ENERGY EFFICIENCY OPPORTUNITIES
Statoil Refining Denmark A/S – Energy Oil and Gas
“The refinery has a capacity of 5.5 million tonnes per year and has been expanded several times and also been upgraded to produce high quality diesel and petrol. Moreover, the energy efficiency was improved, making Statoil Refining Denmark among the most energy efficient refineries.
EU Petroleum Refining Fitness Check: Impact of EU
3 EU Petroleum Refining Fitness Check: Impact of EU Legislation on Sectoral Economic Performance JRC Science for Policy Report Ruslan Lukach a, Robert Marschinski , Dilyara Bakhtievaa, Marian Mraza, Umed Temurshoeva,b, Peter Edera and Luis Delgado Sanchoa aEuropean Commission, Joint Research Centre, Institute for Prospective Technological Studies, 41092 Seville, Spain
Labour Productivity in Canada’s Oil and Gas Industry (September 2024) 3 Introduction The oil and gas industry is an important contributor to Canada’s economy.