General Mills, Inc - Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil
General Mills supports the principles of the Round Table for Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) and RSPO efforts to encourage and certify sustainable palm oil production practices. To reinforce those principles, in the near term, General Mills purchases palm oil only from RSPO members.
General Mills has its own sourcing requirements. In 2015, it worked with Proforest to trace its palm oil supply chain, identify sustainability risks and ensure responsible sourcing. General Mills has publicly supported the development of RSPO NEXT and is a member of the CGF Sustainability Steering Committee.
General Mills: One of the World's largest food Companies
General Mills takes very seriously the suspension of certification from the Roundtable for Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) of one of our suppliers, IOI. We have been transitioning our palm oil purchases to other RSPO-certified suppliers since April. As of the end August 2024, we will no longer be purchasing any palm oil from this supplier.
Compliance with the General Mills Supplier Code of Conduct and Policy on Human Rights; Measures to include smallholders in the supply chain . Critically, General Mills is now more actively engaging its suppliers in direct review of their palm oil production and sourcing practices, more detail of which can be found in section 4. 2.
Search members | RSPO - Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil
Information on Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) membership, its benefits, how to apply and more.Search membersGeneral Mills, Inc United States. 2 Feb 2012. Ordinary. Generichem Corporation United States. 22 Jan 2024
sustainable palm oil production in Indonesia, Malaysia, Africa and South America. The companies listed below are members of the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) and are committed to using certified sustainable palm oil. Please support the companies that are doing their best to make a difference for wildlife.
About | RSPO - Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil
We call it palm oil that was certified by the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) according to specific criteria. By respecting those criteria, we can help to reduce the negative impacts of palm oil cultivation on the environment and communities.RSPO members adopt the P&C 2024 in November at the annual General Assembly (GA15) in
How People Like You Pressured General Mills to Act for Sustainable Palm Oil. Greenpeace supporters called on General Mills to follow the example of other major brands and cancel their contracts with IOI. Within 48 hours, more than 44,000 emails were sent to the CEO of General Mills in which people like you told the company how disappointed you
General Mills | Business Roundtable
Business Roundtable CEOs are embracing sustainable practices across their businesses, resulting in stronger communities and a healthier environment.CEO, General Mills. Climate Change. Climate change presents risks to humanity, our environment and our livelihoods.Verification: We increase the sustainability of palm oil, fiber packaging
The Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) was established in 2004 with the objective of promoting the growth and use of sustainable oil palm products through credible global standards and engagement of stakeholders. The seat of the association is in Zurich, Switzerland, while the secretariat is currently based in Kuala Lumpur, with a satellite office in Jakarta.
World-famous cake mix Betty Crocker linked to rainforest
Jakarta, 1 June 2024 - Betty Crocker, a leading instant cake and baking mix brand owned by US based food company General Mills, is sourcing palm oil from a company responsible for the destruction of rainforest and orangutan habitat in Indonesia.
GET PRICEGeneral Mills, Colgate-Palmolive announce deforestation
On Monday General Mills and Colgate-Palmolive both announced palm oil policies that go beyond standards set by the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO), the industry’s main certification body.
GET PRICEPalm Oil in the Congo Basin | Global Forest Atlas
However, jatropha yields have often failed to meet targets, and as roads are expanding in the Congo basin, palm oil investment is growing as well. Palm oil is native to the African rainforests, and Nigeria has traditionally been a producer of oil palm, but in recent decades, Indonesia and Malaysia have come to dominate the international market.